How To Promote Home Tuition On Facebook (FREE Method)

Promoting home tuition is an essential part of the success of home tutors. Every home tutor who starts tuition at home or provides services as a private home tutor is always looking to get more students.

As a home tutor, you can use Facebook to promote your home tuition without spending money on paid ads or Facebook ads.

What will you learn from this article?

  • How to promote home tuition on Facebook with content marketing
  • How to promote home tuition on Facebook page
  • How to promote home tuition on Facebook groups

Important note: The methods explained in this article are 100% free and will not cost you anything. This article is not about Facebook ads or paid advertisements.

As a new home tutor, I know you want to get more students to earn more money with your tutoring business, and for that, you are doing everything possible to promote your home tuition.

Choosing the best social media platforms for promoting home tuition or tutoring business is extremely important. You should always check the appropriateness of every social media platform before investing your time in it.

This post is about how to promote home tuition on Facebook. If you want to learn highly effective and proven strategies to promote your home tuition, you can read my complete step-by-step guide on how to start tuition at home and ways to promote it with little to no investment.

How to promote home tuition on Facebook

You can promote home tuition or tuition classes on Facebook with the help of a Facebook page and Facebook groups.

We will see both methods one by one.

How to promote home tuition on Facebook page:

You can promote your tutoring business on Facebook with content marketing. Now you might be wondering what content marketing is.

Content marketing is a marketing technique to attract people, engage and turn them into your audience, viewers, or followers by sharing valuable content in the form of articles, videos, audio, or any media.

You can create helpful content that the reader or viewer considers authentic, engaging, and implementable.

But as a tutor, what content can you produce? Don’t worry; I have explained everything in this article. Keep reading further.

Content marketing for home tutors or tutoring businesses is relatively easy, but if not done correctly, it can damage the reputation of tutors.

Let us understand how you can use a content marketing strategy for your home tuition or tutoring business on Facebook.

The very first step is to define your goal.

What is your goal as a tutor?

Simple, your end goal is to get more students and make more money.

Right? But it is not correct.

Your long-term goal should be to create awareness, build a brand, establish authority and make a network in your preferred location.

Once you put effort into the immediate goal, your end goal will be easy to achieve. But if you target your end goal without understanding and establishing yourself, it will be a complete waste of time and effort.

Like if you aim for How do I advertise my tuition on Facebook? You have the only option of paid advertisement.

You can’t promote your home tuition on Facebook for free if you don’t have any community like a Facebook page or group.

Once you define your goal, the next step is to understand your customers. Your customers are parents and students.

You have to ask a few questions to yourself. For example,

  • Why do parents want their kids to get tuition?
  • What difficulties might students be facing in their studies?
  • How can you help parents overcome their issues with their children’s studies?
  • How can you improve the learning of the students for their betterment?

You can think of many problems that a parent or student might be facing.

Now, what to do with these questions?

Your content must address their problems, and you should present yourself as the best solution to their problems.

You should be able to differentiate yourself from other tutors and must have at least one USP or additional value that your competitors are not offering.

The USP can be,

Personalized teaching

You can offer one-to-one teaching if your competitors are offering small-batch tutoring. However, you should charge at least 3 to 4 times higher than group tuition.

Extra time as compared to your competitors

If your competitors offer a 1-hour class, you can provide a 1.5-hour class.

Guaranteed improvement

You can offer guaranteed improvement if you are confident enough.

Competitive fees

You can compete with comparatively low fees.


You can offer more convenience like at-home tuition( if you are a home tutor) or flexible time tuition as per parents’ or student’s convenience etc.


You can offer freebies like a demo class, supplementary study material, etc.

Now you know the problems and issues of the parents and students. You are ready with your offering, but if you keep sharing content asking for home tuition, it will not work.

You have to establish your authority first by sharing education-related Facebook posts.

You can share difficult math solutions, English grammar rules, science definitions, etc. Make sure that you create the posts so that it is attractive and easily understandable by anyone who is reading it.

You can take ideas from many Facebook pages. For example, “The daily English Learning Facebook page.”

You can refer to related Facebook pages and get plenty of ideas about what to post.

Note: Never copy images or posts from any Facebook group and post them on your Facebook page but try to create your own. It is easy, and canva is the best to start with.

Also, you should always mention CTA at the end of any post.

CTA is a call to action that means you are asking the reader to do something. Not clear? Let me explain.

Suppose you have created a post where you have explained one mathematics formula. Now at the end of that post, you can ask something like these,

  • Do you like the explanation? Please share with your friends!
  • Do you like to get more tricks to remember the formula? Please let us know by commenting below.
  • Do you find it hard, or are you still confused? Comment below.
  • How many of you know this formula? Comment below and I will send exciting puzzles.

CTA can be anything but the primary purpose is to engage the reader by any means. The more engagement your posts get, the higher visible it to the users.

Once you list all the above content, you are ready with your content marketing.

Now you have to create a Facebook business page.

How to create Facebook business page for your home tuition business?

Don’t worry. It is easy, and I will guide you step by step on creating a Facebook business page for home tuition.

(You can use the same procedure if you are the owner of tuition classes and practically there is no difference between tuition and coaching class when it comes to promotion or marketing.)

But why am I suggesting a Facebook business page, not a personal page? It is because your personal information will not be public when you use your Facebook business page, and you can also add someone to manage your Facebook business page.

Now we will create a sample Facebook business page for home tuition.

Log in to Facebook with your personal account and go to create a page.

Select page name: Please try to keep the name exactly as per your real tuition name. ( I have used Modern Home Tuition for example purposes.)

Select category: Please choose category of the page. In the case of home tuition, select tutor/teacher as a category. You can add a maximum of 3 categories, so choose them wisely and keep it most relevant.

Description: You have to write a short description about your home tuition, like what classes you teach, which location, etc. Remember, you have only 255 characters to write the description.

Once you fill out these details, click on “create page”

Your Facebook business page is created.

Now you have to add pictures to your Facebook page.

The pictures will be of two types.

Profile picture & cover photo.

Profile picture:

It will be like a logo and visible in circular form.

Keep the profile picture size 170*170 pixels for the best fit.

Cover photo:

The cover photo is very important as it represents your tuition brand and takes the first impression.

Keep the recommended size of 1640*856 pixels for the Facebook page cover image.

If you don’t know how to create a profile picture and cover picture, you can take the help of YouTube or visit the Canva website, which is free, and there are many readymade templates available to choose from.

Alternatively, if you want a professional-looking logo and cover, you can hire designers from Fiverr to get your fantastic logo or cover for under 500 rupees.

Once you set the profile picture and cover photo, click “save.”

Once you save the page, you will see the screen below.

You can add WhatsApp to your Facebook page, and it is optional. However, I recommend you use this feature because if someone visits your page and wants to connect with you for a tuition inquiry, they can easily reach you if you have connected your WhatsApp number to your Facebook page.

Also read: WhatsApp messages for tuition classes

If you don’t want to use this feature, you can close this box and proceed further.

Now you have to create a username for your Facebook page.

What is a username?

It is the web address of your Facebook page. If you want to share your Facebook page, you need an easy-to-remember username.

See the picture below.

Once you click on create a username, you will see the below screen where you have to write your desired username. I have done it as per below.

(for my case, modernhometuition is unavailable, so I have added my location after the name. But in your case, if the exact name is available, always use that.)

Then click “create username.”

You will see the popup box as per below.

Now click on the “more” tab, and you will see the more tabs as per below.

Go to the about section and fill out each detail carefully.

Please remember, the more details you provide, the better will be the visibility of your page.

Once you are done with all the details, it’s time to create a post.

Wherever possible, create posts with engaging and attractive images.

There are many readymade pictures available on the canva website. You can use them and create posts.

Now you are done with your Facebook business page.

In case if you don’t have time to create a Facebook business page, you can hire the best and cheapest freelancers from Fiverr and get professional and attractive Facebook page ready within 48 hours.

Few great freelancers who provides Facebook page creation services are mentioned below:

Freelancer 1

Freelancer 2 

Tips on how to promote home tuition on Facebook page:

  • Create regular posts and, if possible, daily.
  • Always use the name of your location in your posts. For example, home tuition in (your current location), etc.
  • Keep the posts engaging and to the point.
  • Select attractive pictures (,, and are free picture websites )
  • Add CTA in every post.
  • Invite people or friends to like and follow the page.
  • Reply to every comment.
  • Be consistent with posting and creating valuable posts.

Now moving to the second method of promoting home tuition on Facebook.

How to promote home tuition on Facebook groups:

We have created a Facebook business page and valuable content to attract more people. However, there is another method to promote your home tuition on Facebook: Facebook groups.

Facebook groups are basically a community of like-minded people who communicate with common interests.

For example, a weight loss Facebook group has members interested in losing weight or want to learn how to lose weight. Some of them may be weight loss trainers also.

But the common interest is in weight loss.

Similarly, you have to find groups and join them.

How to find Facebook groups to promote home tuition?

This is a difficult task because you have to narrow down the groups with your location. If you join any random group, there will be no benefit for you because if people in the group are not living in your nearby areas, they will not take your tuition services due to distance issues.

You can ear extra cash besides teaching if you have joined many Facebook groups. Click here to learn how you can do that.

So how to find the Facebook groups near to your location?

Let me explain.

Suppose you live in XYZ location and want to join a group of people living in XYZ locations and have an interest in education.

You have to think like, what kind of groups have these people?

To make it easy for you, you can search for groups as (XYZ is your current location)

  • Womens in XYZ
  • XYZ women
  • Education XYZ
  • XYZ parents
  • XYZ moms
  • Businesswomen XYZ
  • Kids XYZ
  • Parenting XYZ
  • Career XYZ

Explore all possibilities and join relevant groups.

See the below example.

Many groups are private, and you cant join them directly. The group admin or moderator must approve your request, and then you will be able to communicate within the group.

Here are a few tips on communicating in a Facebook group as a tutor:

  • Once you join the group, first read all the group rules carefully and follow them.
  • Never message anyone personally.
  • Don’t try to post your services when you are a new group member.
  • Participate in general discussions and post valuable comments.
  • Use friendly yet professional language because you are a tutor.
  • Reply to questions with logic and try to show your expertise politely.
  • Never share personal information with anyone who doesn’t have a legit Facebook profile.
  • Always check the profile of the person who wants to connect with you over the phone or via messenger.
  • Share valuable tips on education and tutoring.
  • Share your student’s achievements but don’t do it every day.
  • Always ask and take permission from the group admin before posting.
  • Stay active in the group, help people and build trust and reputation.
  • Once you do this for some time, people will see you as an expert and ask for your services.
  • Always try to discuss your services in a separate or personal chat.
  • Never share any link in the group without the permission of the group admin.
  • Identify the pain areas of parents regarding their children’s careers and try to address their concerns smartly.

You should leave the group when,

  • The group has many posts in a day, and that are completely irrelevant.
  • The group has significantly fewer posts in a month.
  • The group is full of spam content like marketing posts of various kinds.

Engage people with you and establish yourself as a tutor. Once you gain authority as a tutor, people will ask you for your services, and then you can talk with them or even meet them if they are from nearby locations.


How do I find students for my home tuition on Facebook?

You can find students for home tuition on Facebook groups if the group is from the local area. But for that, you must be an active member of the group and must have shared much valuable information in the groups, helped parents, etc.

How to advertise home tuition on Facebook?

You can use paid ads for advertising home tuition on Facebook, but it might be costly if you don’t know how to run ads on Facebook for a tutoring business.

Conclusion on how to promote home tuition on Facebook

Facebook is a widely used social media platform, and as a home tutor, you should always use it for branding purposes.

Facebook page is your branding media. Use it for branding purposes. Facebook groups are to find local parents interested in the betterment of their kid’s careers.

All these two methods are free, and you can get tuition inquiries from these methods if you implement strategy, be consistent and have patience.

We have grown our tuition class page to 6000+ highly active members following us, but it took around three years to build this community. But today, we are occasionally selling exam sheets, guides, etc., to this group and earning out of it.

In short, creating a Facebook identity for your home tuition is a long-term strategy that will help you monetize it once it is established and people trust you.

Start today, and you will see the magic in the near future!

I wish you the very best for your home tuition business.

Leave a comment below if you have any issue promoting home tuition on Facebook. I read and reply to each comment.

Start your home tuition in just 7 days without investment and get more students with my secret strategy!

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